Head of School

I welcome you wholeheartedly to the website of Reagan Memorial Baptist Private School (RMBPS). We are a Christian Missionary School that holds character and moral upbringing of our future leaders very important. Therefore, we believe an individual child is a raw material, whom, if properly moulded, is full of glorious potential.

Twenty first century and its attended challenges has pushed education beyond the reach of everyday people ,but at RMBPS, it is a resolve that we arrived at, to make the education of these future leaders as affordable as it can be.

To arrive at this lofty height, we inculcate positive values and beliefs in each and every pupil through our balanced organized academic and biblical lessons in an environment of cultural diversity; knowledge becomes standard foundation where behaviour is being improved.

Our curriculum is developmental appropriate, which addresses core domains of daily existence i.e. English Language Studies, Basic Science Studies, Cultural and Creative Arts Studies, Pre-Vocational Studies, Mathematics and French Language, including extracurricular activities that tends to build confidence and boldness.

We have qualified and dedicated staffs that have depth in understanding and interpretation of our curricula and core goals.

I make bold to say, if you are out there and looking for a school that is affordable yet focused on a total child experience, don’t hesitate to come and register your child or ward including your friends’ at Reagan Memorial Baptist Private School where kids can effect a smooth transition from home to school learning.

Mrs. Alamu, C.O